The Community Action Council of Portage County has announced that the Winter Crisis Program (Emergency HEAP) will end on March 29, 2024. Any individual or family who has a disconnection notice or has less than a 10-day supply of a bulk fuel and is at or below 175% of the poverty guidelines, that has not applied for Emergency HEAP since November 1, 2023, may be eligible for an emergency utility bill payment or bulk fuel delivery.
There are still limited appointments available for this season’s emergency program. To make an appointment call 234-703-4303 or go online to Call-ins are still available Monday through Thursday at 8:00am by calling 330-297-1456 and pressing 0 for reception. These same day appointments are limited and are first come first served. March 25-29 will be entirely Call-In appointments for households in emergent need. There will be no scheduled appointments for this week. And those that call for a same day appointment will be screened to make sure they need our Winter Crisis Program. Anyone that calls and is not in need of a utility bill payment will be scheduled for the first week of April. Call-In appointments will be available all day for this week as an attempt to assist as many households as possible. We will begin accepting phone calls at 8:00am and continue until all appointments are filled for that day. Once appointments are filled each day, clients will be asked to call back the next day. CAC of Portage County conducts all appointments via telephone interview. Individuals will need to provide copies of the following documents to include with their application:
If you would like to make an appointment, call. If you need additional information call 330-297-1456 and press 0 for the receptionist. Applications for the Winter Crisis program must be via appointment and phone interview and be completed by March 29, 2024. The Community Action Council of Portage County has announced that the last day of the Winter Crisis Program (Emergency HEAP) and the Low-Income Water Assistance Program will be March 31, 2024. Any individual or family who has a disconnection notice or has less than a 10-day supply of a bulk fuel and is at or below 175% of the poverty guidelines, that has not applied for Emergency HEAP since November 1, 2023, may be eligible for an emergency utility bill payment or bulk fuel delivery. Portage County households that have a balance owed on their water bill, need service restored, or need to establish water service that have not applied for water assistance since October 1, 2023, may be eligible for a payment on their water bill.
There are still appointments available for this season’s emergency programs. Call-ins are still available Monday through Thursday at 8:00am by calling 330-297-1456 and pressing 1 for HEAP or 0 for reception. These same day appointments are limited and are first come first served. CAC of Portage County conducts all appointments via telephone interview. Individuals will need to provide copies of the following documents to include with their application:
If you would like to make an appointment, call 234-703-4303 or go online to If you need additional information call 330-297-1456 and press 0 for the receptionist. Applicants can continue to enroll in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP+) year-round, and the Regular HEAP Program through May 31, 2024. We encourage customers to pay close attention to utility bill messages. It will let you know when you must re-verify for the PIPP+ program. You must re-verify before the date stated on your bills to prevent being dropped from the PIPP+ program. Once you are dropped, it is sometimes very difficult to get re-enrolled. It is also imperative that PIPP+ customers are paying the PIPP amount in full and on time each month in order to avoid PIPP default. To enroll or re-verify for the PIPP+ or Regular HEAP programs you can make an appointment at 234-703-4303 or go online at You can submit an online application or print and mail an application to PO BOX 917, Ravenna Ohio 44266. Applications for the Winter Crisis program and the Water Assistance Program must be via appointment and phone interview and be completed by March 31, 2024. The last day to apply for the regular HEAP benefit is May 31, 2024. For more information on the programs, visit or call Community Action Council of Portage County at 330-297-1456. |
February 2025
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